Thermal Insulating Covers
Thermal insulation covers offer great savings in the operating costs of heating a swimming pool as they prevent the evaporation of water and consequently the loss of heat. At the same time, they offer savings in water, chemical and electricity consumption.
The most common forms are two. Air-cell insulating covers – bubble covers (for light use) and multilayer-foam covers with polyethylene foam (medium and heavy use).
Multilayer foam is superior to bubble foam in both durability and thermal insulation properties.
Cellular covers are mainly suitable for domestic/light use in small or medium sized swimming pools, while for large competition pools, due to the heavy use and the large surface area covered, the choice is limited to multilayer covers.
Top quality thermal insulation cover. The lacquered top layer gives a sense of luxury and at the same time high durability. It has a thickness of 7.5mm and excellent thermal insulation ability. Weight 850gr/m². Colour white/white. Suitable for areas of high aesthetics and increased thermal insulation requirements.
Code. 540.100.02x
The ideal cover for most situations. Excellent value for money. It is 6.5mm thick and weighs 460 gr/m². It has great strength and durability, offering high thermal insulation. Colour light blue/white. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor swimming pools, of any shape and heavy use. It is the first choice in public competition swimming pools.
Code. 540.100.01x
In open swimming pools of medium and large dimensions, it is essential to reinforce the covers with a special system of wind protection. This system consists of a 5mm stainless steel wire rope, integrated along the longitudinal sides of each cover sheet, special hooks and tensioners. This system is only available for multilayer (foam) isothermal covers.
Code. 540.300.001
It has the same technical characteristics as the Solarpool. Thickness 500microns and weight 460 gr/m². It is non-transparent, blue on the top and black on the bottom. Due to the blocking of solar radiation, it prevents the growth of algae and saves up to 60% of chemicals.